The Christmas Sweater
The Wall Street Journal
World Magazine
and I'm about to start
I was thinking today about one of the books I read while nursing two years ago. It was a book intended, I think, to be hip and trendy and "insightful" all at once. Unfortunately, this is the sort of intention that often fails. In any case, it was set in New York City; I remembered one character who was cheating on his wife when the terrorist attacks of 9/11 happened. In that moment of clarity (or horror, or whatever the author was getting at), the man left his mistress alone in her apartment and headed home to his wife, the point being that in moments of clarity (or horror), we act out our true character. I didn't think much about it at the time, but it occurred to me today that the author got it wrong. We act out our true character every day, on a daily basis, doing the mundane and not-so-mundane things we do. It is a nice fiction, appropriate for movies and chick lit, that in moments of horror, who we really are will somehow be better than who we really have been.
I love Patricia Cornwell books!!Enjoy! Hope you are all doing well.
I tagged you in a blog award on my blog!
You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but I wanted to give you the award anyways! :)
"I didn't think much about it at the time, but it occurred to me today that the author got it wrong. We act out our true character every day, on a daily basis, doing the mundane and not-so-mundane things we do."
I can honestly say I have never commented on a stranger's blog, but I am so impressed with your statement that I wanted to compliment you on it. Well-said, I completely agree!
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